Mark Edward Dawson
I am a photographer and printer currently making work, teaching, and living in Tempe, Arizona. I enjoy creating photos with imaging devices ranging from state-of-the-art DSLRs to view cameras to iPhones to scanners, then rendering the images digitally, in wetplate, or in a variety of historical process prints. Despite a fascination with gum bichromate I have yet to tear all of my hair out.
I'm originally from Circleville, Ohio, but after about age 17 things get complicated geographically speaking. I've lived in the US, Austria, Germany, and the Netherlands, and I travel extensively whenever I can get away.
I have been interested in photography as long as I can remember. I used to have a theory that photographs were already inside the little film canisters, and when you sent them off to be developed all the store did was take them out, unfold them, and iron out the creases. I also thought that liquid plant food squirted into my ear would make my brain grow too. Maybe this explains something?
Here’s my resume. (A pdf should open or download to your computer.)